Wiring A Pull Cord Light Switch Why Is Nt My Bathroom Light Not Working..?


Why is nt my bathroom light not working..? - wiring a pull cord light switch

equipped with a folding door in the bathroom and pull switch was behind the door, so the son went to change the cable and take them without a light in the bathroom? Son test, if it is not customary LIVE is constant if the cable is pulled to pull the switch is to say, and live to tell R-terminals lamp life is nt Lampe is why in my .. Please help the patient to scratch his head ..? everything I confused on the switch No. 2 red gravel 2 candidate .. ..


KevLEC said...

1. Round of elections, therefore, join together to light the red lamp, change the lights when this is not a problem to light, if you're not sure who was only 2 red pull switch when disconnecting? Verify that 1 have to leave.
Please take the Reds when the lamp is lit, and all other lights work well, either that the closure switch.Fit red 1 to C (common) and the L1 or L2 connects (regardless which one).
Otherwise, get in Lecky

KevLEC said...

1. Round of elections, therefore, join together to light the red lamp, change the lights when this is not a problem to light, if you're not sure who was only 2 red pull switch when disconnecting? Verify that 1 have to leave.
Please take the Reds when the lamp is lit, and all other lights work well, either that the closure switch.Fit red 1 to C (common) and the L1 or L2 connects (regardless which one).
Otherwise, get in Lecky

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