Waxing Before Vacation How Many Days Before My Trip I Should Wait To Get My Bikini Wax?


How many days before my trip i should wait to get my bikini wax? - waxing before vacation

I'm going on a tropical weeks of vacation, and I want a bikini wax before I write about. I've never had one before and wondered whether it is a bad idea for a day earlier, when it is inconvenient or something. How long before my trip should I wax, mainly because I want to last for the duration of my trip?


Elyse said...

It depends on the sensitivity of the skin, but I recommend 3 days. will be slightly red for about a day later than 3 days to go, the skin you were normal. I wax usually takes 2-3 weeks before the hair begins to grow, so it should be good for your trip of the week! enjoy! :)

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